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Residual Effects

Residual Effects

One evening, my husband came home after having a particularly difficult day. He was a tad grumpy and nothing I did could take him out of his dark mood. Normally, I would’ve been short with him and gone into another room, but that evening I thought about the graduation photo, and I wanted to make him feel better. I made his favorite meal, offered to give him a back massage (which her accepted), and when he would complain about something, I was empathetic and as attentive as I could be. I’ll just say that I turned that evening into a loving night.

 The next day, when my husband got home from work, he actually thanked me for being so nice the night before. He was in a better mood, and that carried on throughout the next few weeks. Our relationship has gone back in time to when we didn’t take each other for granted. It’s amazing what one evening of putting him first did for us. It was like compassion was the secret relationship weapon that I'd never known prior to that day. I’ve learned that being selfish and self-centered has little room in a marriage, and, in the long run, will ruin it.  Who knew that sorting through some old photos would have a positive effect on my marriage. 

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